Like most of you I have been looking for alternative to keg farming since the nerf and I thought of this quest that you get in the Eyes of the North I was just wondering if anyone has tried farming this quest before with a perma sin. I was thinking that in normal mode if you used the raptor farming build it could be pretty decent drop rate in terms of event items since its right outside a town (gunnar's hold) and your killing a high amount of monsters.
I did a run without ural's hammer, ebon battle standard, and air of superiority (because I don't have them yet) and instead of glyph of less energy I used shadow refuge. My sliver just does not seem to be strong enough to kill them in 1 setting but the shadow refuge cancels out all damage.
yeah farmed it alot, just ignore the group of rangers. Aggro the following 2 groups of warrior char, hug the wall, kill them all, takes a couple of minutes kills about 30. Used to farm char axes here before anyone had any.